Monday, January 30, 2012

Melvin test Digital 100% version

The image below is my first attempt to create a 100% digital version of Melvin. This is a test to learn a basic work flow and create a color palette for this book. My Style is based on my fondness to the old Pink Panther cartoons and their wonderful use of minimalistic techniques. I want to give just the right amount of information to help support the story and not over saturate the viewer with details. I want the reader to create the world with only a little help from me. The Artist
Tom O'Loughlin is responsible for the backgrounds of many pink Panther cartoons and it is in this style I wish to carry on this tradition in my stories. Click the image to get a closer look.

The image below is a variety of screen captures from the Pink Panther cartoons. In my selection I tried to find backgrounds that would be similar to my story elements and future ones. For example, pine trees and deciduous trees , a house, and the basic flora ground cover and the rendering of cityscapes. In addition, Like the way the rocks were handled as well as the jungle type environment.Click the image to get a closer look.

This study has helped me, but trying to find a way to incorporate stylistic elements without copying is challenging. In the end, I need my work to have an essence of these ideas without loosing my own individual style in the process. The point is not to copy but add to my own skills with these new ideas thus creating, within me, a new seamless, composite style of my own.

My biggest goal is to create a workflow that is efficient for me. So that means every image must:

  • Provide the viewer with just the right amount of information. I really want minimalistic elements but what I keep doing is overkill, or just flat out uninspired, copying. I have to be brave to follow my own heart and be myself and not be someone else.

  • Be possible to create in a reasonable amount of time. ( i.e. I would like to be able to finish one entire drawing in a day)

  • It can not be riddled with technological difficulties: This does not mean I do not learn new techniques, but it does mean that the drawing does not suffer from loss of the initial impetus. Regardless of the media, the drawing must tell the story first. If it does not do so, it is unsuccessful no matter how "cool" it may look.

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